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<3 "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." - Jim Rohn <3

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"'s a sandbag you've got to drop..."

Getting back into the habit of running is a task, let me tell ya. I'm trying to not even think about it too hard because, if I over-think, I won't do it. I'm still only running about one mile at a time, and, while that may not be even close to what I was doing a few months ago, it's better than the nothing I was doing during the holiday season. And it's better than the nothing I was doing at this point last year. I could barely even walk a mile. Actually, I don't know if I could because I wasn't trying. By the beginning of February last year, I was kicking my butt into gear on that darn stationary bike. I hate that thing now, but at the time it was the tool with which I began to change my life. After a couple of months of that, I began to incorporate walking and, eventually, jogging/running.

At this point last year, I was not even thinking about doing all of this. I was still eating anything and everything with no physical activity. Wow, have I come a long way. Not only have I lost 65 pounds since then, but I've changed my whole life. I put myself out there and got an amazing job out of it, more friends, and adopted this cheery disposition that you have all come to know :) Who knew that you could just switch your entire lifestyle and outlook on life like that? I sure didn't.

I told you previously that I've basically gone back to the beginning in terms of what I'm eating and how much I'm eating. This has proven to be a good move. I've gone back to eating some of the things that I was eating in the beginning, things that I loved for so long, but phased out because my body was bored. After not eating these things for a long time, I'm remembering why I did eat them for so long! After my body's had a break, it's appreciating these foods again and utilizing their healthy attributes. I guess sometimes you just have to take a step back, focus, and regain momentum. As difficult as this can sometimes be, it's worth the struggle. I'm really trying to kick it up a notch now that I'm gonna be able to go to the beach all Summer! Gotta get that swimsuit-ready body ;)

The more I talk with other people about moving, the more real it's becoming. It's beginning to hit me and I'm becoming more and more anxious. I've now seen pictures of my new home, my new room, my new neighborhood and it's just so surreal. I mean really, is this real life? I've always dreamed of doing something like this, just picking up and moving somewhere completely different, but never did I expect it to actually happen. Before all of these changes in my life, something like this was just an amazing thought, something to fantasize about. But now, after to proving so many things to myself, proving that I can do what I really want to do, I have found that this is true in all aspects of my life. Never did I think something like this was possible, and I was content with that. I was content with too many things that weren't what I truly wanted. Changing one thing leads to more change. Start small, but dream big. Set goals, but take your time and focus on reaching them the right way.

This next month and a half is going to be very busy for me! I have so many things to do/buy before the move and I have so many people to see, places to go, and goodbyes to give. As sad as it will be to leave some people, I know that this is right. This is what I'm supposed to do. I don't think I ever explained how I got this job so here's the rundown: The site is called and is the number one site in matching families with nannies. I signed up, made a profile, and waited to be contacted. To my surprise, I was added by several families as a 'favorite' and was personally contacted by about six or seven of them. I emailed back and forth with these families who lived in New Zealand, Australia, Germany, and another U.S. family, but something about this job, this family really pulled me in. I just felt an immediate connection, and I know that this is part of the Plan. I'm just so ready to get to California! But I will be sad to let go of my life here.

Change is tough, but sorely needed. Settling is never OK. Not to me. I've settled so many times in my life, and I'm finally at a point in my life where I feel that I can be picky. I always knew that I didn't want to stay in Alabama forever, that I wasn't going to stay around home forever, but I never thought I'd receive this kind of opportunity. I'm at a place in my life where I'm prepared to let the past go and move on. I'm ready for the rest of my life to begin!

"It's not the balloon, it's a sandbag you've got to drop for the balloon to get off the ground." -From the film "Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding"

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