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<3 "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." - Jim Rohn <3

Monday, March 18, 2013

"It's some kind of madness.."

Note to self: wear sunscreen. Ok, it's not that bad, but I definitely stayed in the Sun for too long yesterday. Worth it? Absolutely. But my face hurts a little. I'm glad to be getting a little Sun since I basically stayed inside like a hermit for the entire Summer last year, with the exception of the little exposure I got if I ran during the day. But let's be honest, when it's 99 degrees with 180% humidity, the chances of me running outside in the Sun are pretty slim. I refuse to be a pasty ginger again this year. I will not stay inside all Summer. Not happenin' this year, not when I live in California! That would be stupid. I just have to be a little safer about it. As a ginger, I do not condone sunscreenless Sun time. But anyway. 

Have I mentioned to you guys that I have yet to see rain here? That's right. I've lived here for an entire month now, but it has not rained one time since I got here. This is a huge change from the torrential downpours that occur on a regular basis in Alabama. Every time I get on Facebook and scroll through the news feed, everyone is talking about the terrible rain or the uncommon pop of Sunshine. So far, all I've seen here is wonderful Sunshine, cloudy, or foggy. No rain yet. If you know me, you know that I've never been a huge fan of rain, so this is pretty much heaven for me. 

On a completely different note: ya know what's weird? Caring about what I'm eating and not caring at the same time. It's a strange feeling. I know that what I'm eating is not good for me, I know that it's not going to do anything positive for my body, but in the moment, I'm hungry, it's there, and it's what I want. I feel guilty for consuming it as I'm chewing, but I think to myself "Self, you just keep eating. You're hungry and it tastes SO good." WHY!? Why do I do this to myself. I regret it as soon as I do it, actually as I'm doing it. I've already made like 4 bad decisions today and it's only 11:15 am. Must. do. better. Lunch will not be unhealthy, I'll just go ahead and say that. Something to help me today, though, is that Isa doesn't have school. Therefore, I feel like I have little eyes judging everything I do today. Thanks to the 4 year old, I'll make better decisions. That's my life right now.

I just looked back on this post and realized how random it is. Sometimes you just have to get some random thoughts out of your head, I suppose. I feel like I've been rambling like a mad person, but if you're reading this, you're probably crazier than I am for actually getting this far in the post. But thanks for reading :D

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