"There is nothing so fatal to character as half-finished tasks." -David Lloyd George
Finishing begins today. I'm done putting it off, I'm done making excuses, I'm done with it! I'm getting back on track with losing and I will finish! I'm too close to the end now to not be working hard to get it. I'm still only seventeen pounds away from my goal and it is absolutely unacceptable to be sitting that close without working for it. I've been a pro at maintaining over the past couple of months, but that ends now. I'm eating right, exercising when I can, and regaining focus. I'm already doing really well this week and there's no reason for me not to continue on this path.
I don't know if it was Thanksgiving and the days surrounding it or if I've just been unmotivated, but I feel like a complete loser at this point because I've been content with staying where I am. I know that I'm not actually a loser because, I mean, look at all of the things that I've accomplished! Unless we're talking about being a loser in the sense that I've lost a lot of weight....but, I digress. I need to finish for myself. I need to complete this because I started it. I know, I know..I've said this stuff before, but that was just to make myself feel better without actually doing something about it. I'm saying it now as a declaration to all of you and to myself that I'm finishing this now! I will not eat things not in the plan, I will not eat bad foods, I will exercise when possible, and I will be good.
I haven't gained anything back, which is kind of a miracle, but that's not progress. That's not accomplishment. I know this is all kind of repetitive and things that I've said before, but I'm writing this entry for myself. This is so that I'm getting this info out there for others to see in order to keep myself accountable. Even if no one reads this, just knowing that it's out there keeps me in check. It makes me feel very aware of the fact that others may know that I've said these things and it makes it easier for me to keep myself on track. So many of my recent posts have been all about everything but eating, but now I'm getting back to my plan. I'm getting back to the dedication, motivation, and tunnel vision. Hold me to this, guys.
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