I did another 5 miler yesterday evening on top of some other activity, so in all, I burned around 700 calories hroughout the day. Unfortunately, I did all of that mainly in order to combat what I ate over the weekend...I definitely was not as disciplined as I normally am, so I felt the need to do extra to balance it all out. I'm hoping to do another 5 miles this evening after I'm off work, but this time after a day of healthy eating. Today and tomorrow are the last two days of Summer vacation for this house and I am excited. I just want to have some time to myself again! The biggest reason is that I'll be able to get my runs done during the day again and not have to worry about whether or not I'll get to do it at all! Thursday night, I was unable to get to the park to do my usual, so I did a two mile walk through the neighborhood. Yes, it's better than nothing, but I just don't get as much done. I'm happy to be able to get stuff done and what I need to do during the day again.
So, Adele closes on the new house on the 26th and we'll begin the moving process shortly after. It just can't get here fast enough! I'm so ready for it. The longer we're in this house, the more I'm ready to get out of it. I don't get much privacy here and it's starting to weigh on me. Even if I'm off and don't have to be up early, it's almost impossible to sleep in if the kids are here because they wake up so early on their own. In the new house, I'll be so separate from the rest of the house that this won't matter as much anymore. Did I mention that I'm ready to have my own bathroom? 'Cause I am....I'm looking forward to decorating it and the fact that it will always be clean...Things will be where I leave them. My towels won't go missing. No more toys falling all over the place. Just....yes.
I was in a grumpy mood yesterday and the only explanation I can come up with is that it was a result of way I ate for the majority of the weekend. I didn't really eat an excessive amount of junk, but I definitely didn't eat the right way. When I have too much sugar or too many greasy items, I feel myself fall down a few rungs on the mood ladder. I hate that I know that about myself, yet I still let it happen sometimes. It's SO not worth it, but I felt much better after my run last night. Exercise is a miracle drug. That's a fact. It fixes almost everything. If I don't get to do it, I feel myself slip again. Getting out of the habit, even if for just a couple of days, affects everything. I'm so excited about not having to worry about whether or not I'll get to have a real workout. I'm excited about the "me" time during the day and the free time to run my own errands and of course now I'll have free time to get this upcoming school work done!
Speaking of school, I'm starting that class on September 3! As far as I know, everything is in order and ready for me to begin this online class. I gotta say, I'm proud of myself for finally making this happen again. As much as I hate school and wish I didn't feel the need to do it, I'm proud to know that I made this happen on my own, that I'm doing something to better my chances at a substantial living. I know that having a degree doesn't guarantee anything these days, but it does raise my probability for a comfortable life. I wish that I was already done with all of it and doing what I want to do, but this is right and happening at the right time. You can't live your life in wishes and hopes. You have to make things happen for yourself. If you wait around for good things to happen, you may be waiting your life away. To guarantee yourself of good things, you have to make sure you're doing everything that you can to ensure it. Everything else will fall into place.
At this point in my life, I feel thirsty for knowledge which is something that I haven't felt in a really long time! I want to learn and absorb more in whatever way that I can. I'm excited to take this class not only to get back into the school mindset, but also to just actually learn again. I've been learning many lessons in life experience over the past couple of years, but I'm ready to take in more book knowledge and gain the neccessary career tools. I know, you're thinking "who the heck wrote this?" But I promise that I'm being sincere about this. I'm ready for this new experience and for furthering my personal growth! I believe that education, any education, helps shape a person into the person he or she wants to be and I'm ready to keep growing and adapting :)
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