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<3 "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." - Jim Rohn <3

Monday, February 25, 2013

"What's this life anyway, what's it to you and me?"

I now know how much I've truly changed. I have been going with the flow, playing things by ear, just not getting stressed about anything. Until I've been here and been in the routine for a while, I'll still be doing just that. And ya know what? I have found that life is even more enjoyable. Sure, I have a basic daily plan here, but because Adele is a doctor and I'm working with kids, nothing is ever really set in stone. And that's OK. I'm enjoying getting out, driving around, exploring, just settling in to my new life. I drove into downtown Napa today and holy moly, is it beautiful. The countryside out there is amazing with the vineyards and such, but the town itself is just gorgeous. Also, I think I've decided I'd rather attend school there at Napa Valley College rather than the more local community college (though NVC is also a community college). NVC is, according to Adele, a bit more reputable and come on, it's in freaking Napa Valley!

I also visited Monterey Bay this weekend and it is ridiculous. This is a place where celebs and millionaires live. Clint Eastwood owns 3 of its golf courses....Just sayin'. On my way back, I drove up the Pacific Coast and it literally took my breath away. Driving along a two lane highway over-looking the deep blue ocean with the windows down was the perfect way to spend my Sunday. much yes.

Back to real life today, I weighed and found that I've already lost about 3 of the pounds that I'd gained back and I'm good with that. I'm not pushing myself extra hard yet, but I'm slowly getting back to my old self. I've also yet to add running back into my routine, but I will be doing so tomorrow. I was going to today, but errands and such got in my way. No excuses tomorrow, though! Back to it! I'm eating better for the most part. I've been watching my portions much more closely and eating less junk. Now, to cut the junk out completely like before will make a huge difference, but I'm still getting back into the habit.

So, as crazy as everything has been, it has been just as uncrazy, if that makes sense. As if being here was never anything out of the ordinary. I don't feel like anything is out of the ordinary. I truly feel comfortable here and that I'm at home. Of course I miss family, but I honestly feel that I belong here, that I 100% made the right choice. This is not just because I love it, but because after observing the family, I can see how much Adele really needs help in her daily routine. She needs a partner and I'm more than happy to fill that position. I feel that I'm doing some good here in helping this wonderful woman become a little less stressed, and in helping these kids find more stability in their lives.

I just could not be more grateful to have been handed this opportunity and this new life. I am grateful that Adele so willfully opened her home to me and immediately made me feel welcome. It also helps that the kids seemed to have opened themselves up to a new friend, and that makes me feel even more happy to be here. I think Isa is excited to have a fellow-girly girl to be a princess with, and Tony has more consistency in his daily routine. I'm just happy. And that's all there is to it :)

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