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<3 "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." - Jim Rohn <3

Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Only by going too far can one possibly find out how far one can go."

Confession time: I've eaten horribly for the past 2 days. Everytime I go in the kitchen of the house I nanny in, my weakness rears its ugly head and I just haven't been able to tell it no. I've tried to make up for it by eating less in my meals, but there's only so much I can do! I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it's almost that time of the month, but I can't blame it all on that. I go through that every month and don't give in like this everytime....This is why I've gone back on the 3 day diet starting today...I was gonna wait, but let's be honest; one more day with temptation around me was not going to go well without a set plan. So here I am, eating incredibly lightly. I feel I have no choice :-/

I feel terrible about how I've been eating, BUT I have upped my jogging greatly! As of last night, I'm now jogging 3 MILES nonstop! I've never been so proud of myself for anything before! Before this, I couldn't jog even a lap, even 3/4 of a lap around a jogging track..Like, for real. I know, sad. But now, I'm jogging all over my neighborhood, not stopping, ignoring any pain or exhaustion, and achieving my goals. Honestly, if I hadn't been eating so terribly the past couple of days, I'm not sure that I would have pushed myself so intensely in my jogging. As sad as that fact is, it is indeed truth. I felt so horrible about food that I knew I had to try to counter-act it and jogging was my answer.

I've never been one to push myself for anything. I've always been lazy physically and mentally. I've always been a terrible student because I didn't care enough to really try. I feel now, with all of this limit-pushing, that I will truly be able to succeed in whatever I want to do. It really is all connected. If you feel good about yourself and what you're doing in one department, chances are, you're going to feel more confident in other areas! Oh ,the things I wish I had known before now....If there's one thing I've gained from losing, it's probably the ability to push myself and test myself. I hate that it took poor decision-making to get me to a point where I realize how much I can actually accomplish, but hey, I got there and that's all that matters.

If you feel that you can do more, DO IT!!! Don't waste time thinking "I'll just wait and see how it goes." No. Jump in, push yourself. Not too hard, mind you. If you feel that your body is telling you to slow down, i.e. you're feeling dizzy, faint, racing heart, listen to it and take it a little easier. But until you push yourself, you won't know what your limits are.

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