So. For the past 3 days, I've been doing a special diet. Its effective as a jump-starter, but it sucks. I'm not gonna lie to ya. I've been slightly miserable. Its supposed to be chemical breakdown that burns water weight and some fat. I'm sure it also shrinks your stomach a bit as well. You can find the diet here. I have not done this for any reason other than the fact that I just want to be done losing, I want to be at my goal, I want to maintain. I found it on Pinterest and decided to try it and I will tell you that since starting it on Tuesday, I've lost almost 4 pounds, and I'm not even done with the last day yet. It says you can lose up to 10 pounds while on this, but since I'm so close to my goal and have less to lose, I have not had the same results a lot of people who are just starting have had. But that's ok. I just wanted something I can do periodically until I'm done without over-doing the exercise.
This is the first "program" I've tried while on my journey. While I do find it great to be given a list of specific foods to eat, it's not as much food as I'm accustomed to in each meal. Surprisingly, when the calories are added up, it's actually only about 100 calories less than the calorie count I've been consuming lately. However, because each meal is so small and there is no snacking, I've definitely been feeling hungrier than normal. The site says that you should continue with exercise and activity, but because I've been eating less and not as often, I've had to dial back my jogging as not to over-exercise (yes, you can over-exercise). When I'm eating less than normal, I have to exercise less in order to keep from burning too many calories that my body actually needs to survive and not hoard fat. It's tough for me because I actually enjoy jogging and hate that I'm not able to do what I normally do. I know, first world problems, right?
The most exciting thing about this diet is that I've gotten to eat ice cream with every dinner...Yes, you read that right. ICE CREAM! Not frozen yogurt, not smoothies. Ice Cream. And it has been glorious. All of the other foods listed are things that I love to eat anyway so I was not worried about not liking any of it. Also, it's relatively cheap (Although I did have most of the items beforehand). The worst part of this diet? No cofee....Yeah. You can have it 1-2 times on the first day, but the second and third day is water only. I don't mind drinking water one bit, but without coffee, I feel like my body is so mad at me. I drink coffee every single morning and sometimes another cup in the afternoon. To say I've had caffeine withdrawels (especially on the second day) would be quite an understatement..
After you've finished with the three days, you must wait 4 days to restart if you so choose. During those four days, eat like you normally would (I mean, don't eat like you normally would if you normally grab a burger every meal...duh. Eat a normal healthy diet..). After four days, you can start the diet again. I may or may not try again after the 4 days have passed. I'm going to wait and see
Now, I'm not neccessarily recommending this diet to anyone, I'm simply sharing with you my experience with it and letting you know how I've done with it. If you have hypoglycemia or are proned to low blood sugar, I would suggest you not try this. This is strictly a jump start diet. You should not eat like this on a regular basis. Do as they say: 3 day diet, 4 normal days. If you do decide to try it, let me know how it goes! I wanna hear other experiences with it! I'll also update after I'm completely done and let you know my final loss after the 3 days!
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